18 Jun

Feeling overrun by stuff? Whether you're a busy family juggling work, school, and activities, or you're downsizing to a smaller space, clutter can quickly become a major source of stress. But take a deep breath! Reclaiming control over your belongings is absolutely achievable. This guide will show you how to leverage mobile storage units as a powerful tool to declutter your home efficiently, creating a more organised and peaceful living environment for everyone.

What are Mobile Storage Units?

Mobile storage units are portable containers delivered right to your doorstep. You pack them at your own pace, and the company picks them up and stores them securely in their facility. Need something back? They simply redeliver the unit for easy access. It's like having an extension of your closet or garage, but without sacrificing valuable living space.

Perfect for Busy Lives

Whether you're juggling work, kids, and activities or simply overwhelmed by clutter, mobile storage units offer a convenient self-storage solution. Here's how they can help busy families:

  • Declutter and Reclaim Space: Free up rooms for activities or relaxation by storing seasonal clothes, outgrown toys, or bulky hobby equipment.
  • Prepare for renovations: Pack away furniture and belongings before renovations to keep them safe and out of the way.
  • Downsize smoothly: As you transition to a smaller space, use mobile self-storage to hold items you can't part with yet but don't need immediate access to.

Choosing the Right Mobile Storage Unit

Mobile storage companies offer a variety of unit sizes to fit your needs. Here's a general guide:

  • Small Unit (Baby Box): Ideal for seasonal decorations, holiday items, or a few boxes of belongings.
  • Medium Unit (Standard Box): Perfect for a bedroom's worth of furniture and boxes, great for downsizing or renovations.
  • Large Unit (Classic Box): Suitable for the contents of a one-to-two-bedroom home, ideal for larger families or extensive decluttering projects.

Decluttering Strategies

Decluttering can feel daunting, but with the right approach, it can be liberating. Here are some methods to consider:

  • The Blitz Method: If you thrive on quick bursts of activity, dedicate a focused weekend or a few evenings to tackle a specific area, like a closet or garage. Sort ruthlessly, and donate or discard what you no longer need.
  • The KonMari Method: Ask yourself if each item "sparks joy." If the answer is no, thank it for its service and let it go. This method can be particularly helpful for sentimental items.
  • The One-Touch Rule: When handling an item, decide its fate immediately: keep, donate, discard, or relocate within the house. Avoid the "maybe" pile that gets revisited endlessly.
  • The Room-by-Room Method: Systematically work your way through each room, focusing on a manageable area at a time. This approach can feel less overwhelming than tackling everything at once.

Facing Emotional Hurdles

Letting go of possessions can be emotionally challenging. Here are some tips to navigate sentimental items:

  • Capture Memories: Take photos of sentimental objects before letting them go.
  • Create Memory Boxes: Curate a collection of cherished items that represent a larger group of possessions.
  • Donate with Purpose: Find organisations that align with your values and donate items that can bring joy to others.

Long-Term Storage Considerations

If you'll be storing items for a long time, follow these tips to keep them in good condition:

  • Clean and Dry: Thoroughly clean and dry everything before packing to prevent mould or mildew growth.
  • Proper Packing: Use sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, and packing peanuts for fragile items.
  • Moisture Control: For long-term storage in a non-climate-controlled unit, invest in moisture-absorbing containers for susceptible items (like leather or photos).
  • Pest Prevention: Consider using cedar chips or sachets of lavender to deter insects. (Always check with your storage company about permitted pest control methods.).

The SmartBox Advantage

SmartBox is a leading provider of secure mobile storage units. They offer:

  • Variety of Unit Sizes: Choose the perfect size for your decluttering project.
  • Convenient Delivery and Pick-Up: They bring the unit to you and pick it up when you need it back.
  • Secure Storage Facility: Your belongings are safe and protected in a monitored facility.
  • Easy Online Management: Manage your reservations and payments conveniently online.

Start Your Decluttering Journey Today!

With mobile storage units from SmartBox, you can conquer clutter and reclaim your space. Here are some additional benefits of using SmartBox mobile storage units:

  • Mobile storage units can be a cost-effective solution compared to traditional self-storage facilities. You only pay for the space you need and the duration you require.
  • Rent a mobile storage unit for as short or as long as you need, with the option to extend your rental agreement if necessary.

Beyond Decluttering: How Mobile Storage Units Can Help

Mobile storage units aren't just for decluttering. They offer a portable storage solution for a variety of needs.

  • Moving: During a move, you can use a mobile storage unit to temporarily store your belongings while you prepare your new home or wait for your closing date.
  • Seasonal Storage: Pack away seasonal items like holiday decorations, patio furniture, or winter gear to free up space in your home.
  • Business Storage: Businesses can use mobile storage units to store inventory, office supplies, or files off-site.

How to Get Started?

Are you ready to experience the convenience and freedom of mobile storage units? Here's how to get started with SmartBox:

  1. Visit the SmartBox website. Browse their unit sizes and pricing options to find the perfect fit for your needs.
  2. Get a free quote: Use their online quote calculator to estimate the cost of your rental.
  3. Book your unit: Reserve your mobile storage unit online or by contacting a SmartBox representative.
  4. Delivery and pick-up: Schedule your delivery and pick-up dates at your convenience.
  5. Pack and relax: Pack your belongings at your own pace and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with secure mobile storage.


Mobile storage units can be your heroes! These portable boxes get delivered right to your door. You pack them at your own pace, and the company takes them to a secure storage facility. Need something back? They just bring it back to you! It's like having an extra closet or garage outside your house. Declutter your home and free up space for fun activities or just relaxing. Use them for seasonal clothes, toys the kids don't play with anymore, or even hobby equipment you don't use all year. There are different sizes of storage units, so you can find one that's just right for your needs. Take control of your belongings, declutter your home, and enjoy a more peaceful and organised living space!


What are the benefits of using mobile storage units?

Mobile storage units offer several benefits: convenience (delivered and picked up at your location), flexibility (various unit sizes for different needs), security (stored in a monitored facility), and cost-effectiveness (you only pay for the space you use and the rental duration).

How do I choose the right size mobile storage unit?

Mobile storage companies typically offer a range of unit sizes. Consider the amount of stuff you need to store and choose a unit that will comfortably hold everything without being too cramped. Most companies offer size guides on their websites to help you choose.

What can I store in a mobile storage unit?

You can store a variety of items in a mobile storage unit, as long as they are legal and not perishable. This can include furniture, clothes, electronics, books, seasonal decorations, and more. Always check with the specific storage company about any prohibited items.

How long can I rent a mobile storage unit?

Rental periods for mobile storage units are flexible. You can rent them for a short period, like a few weeks, or for a longer term, like several months or even a year. Most companies allow you to extend your rental agreement if needed.

How do I prepare my belongings for storage in a mobile storage unit?

To ensure your belongings stay safe during storage, properly pack them in sturdy boxes. Clean and dry everything before packing to prevent mould or mildew growth. Use packing materials like bubble wrap and packing peanuts for fragile items. For long-term storage, consider moisture-absorbing containers for susceptible items like leather or photos.

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